Farm activities

The area around Nordigard Ramstad aboundles with mountain adventures and fjord vistas - but some of our favorites are actually on the farm!


No plans for the day? Lucky you, Nordigard Ramstad offers small adventures for small and big explorers. Ask us for insider tips!


Egg packing

At Nordigard Ramstad, 7,000 free-range hens lay the an equal number of eggs every single day – and every single one is to be sorted, washed and packed. A fun activity for small hands – feel free to join if you are visiting the farm!


Feed the chickens

Our happiest hens roam freely around the yard – and are grateful if junior has some crumbles to share after breakfast.


Horse, sheep and rabbits

Nordigard Ramstad is an authentic farm filled with fourlegged summer company. Our animals needs to be fed, hugged and played with. Are you up to the task?


Doll house, sling & slide

Active summer holidays are popular like never before - and in the yard at Nordigard Ramstad, all is set for active summer evenings.


Kayak rental

Island hopping in the mountains? Sure! In the Otta River, a stroll below Nordigard Ramstad, you will find a true eldorado of small islands, canals and beaches - perfect for exploring in a stable and easy kayak with room for two.


Row-boat rental

The mountain trout is both vigorous and numerous in the Otta River right beneath Nordigard Ramstad. In a row-boat you can easily get to the good spots - and can combine the fishing trip with exotic island hopping in the glacier river.

Activities in Skjåk county


Electric bike rental

We love electric bikes! Suse off with light pulls with good help from the battery which quickly help you several miles to the mountains along tractor roads and pulls. You can rent an electric bicycle from our good friends at

Mountain equipment rental

Why own when you can rent? Win our good friends in Naturopplevingar - which has an incredibly good selection of overalls, mountain boots, glacier equipment, top touring skis and most other things for self-service rental:

Guided hikes

Not quite at home in the mountains? These are the pocket-familiar guides in Nature Experiences. It is a particularly pleasant tour sequence and - just as long or short you want to go yourself.

Outdoor pool

Dønfoss - several times named Norway's best campsite - is situated in our neighborhood. An important reason is the outdoor pool - a fantastic facility built on natural swamps and cauldrons with the river Otta roaring past!

Horseback riding

Mountain adventures comes in many sorts. To experience Breheimen on the back of a Icelandic horse is definitely one of the memorable ones!


Skjåk has much more to offer - more adventures to be found here:


Rafting og juving



Activities in Lom National Park Village


Lom has much more to offer. More adventures to be found here:

Visit Jotunheimen


... and if you want to experience Fjord Norway, world heritage fjord Geiranger and Frost county Nordfjord are only a magnificent car ride away!